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Start Your Training

"I’m not testing you, Obi-Wan. Life tests you! Every day it brings you new chances for triumph or defeat. And if you pass the test, it doesn’t make you a Jedi. It makes you human."

-- Qui-Gon Jinn


Expression    ||    Skill    ||    Courage    ||    Flesh    ||    Spirit    ||    Insight


You may note that there is significant overlap between several of the categories and Trials.

Just as the Force flows through us and binds us, each aspect of training centers around balancing

the Padawan within the Force. Each lesson builds upon and sustains another.


"Wield the Ashla and the Bogan, the Light and the Dark.
I'm the One in the Middle: The Bendu. The Center."


Centers the padawan, bringing balance to the Force.

"Tonbrei enoah fo midaial ru enoah dai mifoh'al."

"The Force is with me, and I am with the Force."


Whether written, spoken, chanted, sung, or merely breathed, the purpose of prayer and meditation is to center the padawan, drawing together the full balance of the Force, within and without.


Learn the art of Prayer Flags, Artisinal Carpet-making, and more.

Oil Painting

The Trial of Skill

Tests a padawan's skills and talents.

Warrior Monks of the past learned to master the tool and the weapon alike; often, these were one and the same. Whether for the aid, the defense, or the entertainment of others, a Jedi’s skills and talents are the outward expression that reveals true mastery.

The Trial of Courage

Tests a padawan's drive to overcome their fears.

Some people have an out-of-control response to something they think is a threat. Fear prevents us from living our lives, and when you shrink your fear, you can do anything, including finding your purpose and living your best life ever, centered in the Force.


The Trial of the Flesh

Demonstrates the padawan's ability to overcome great physical pain, hardship, or loss.

No single test can challenge every aspect of the Flesh; and no man can undergo every test and come out whole. The Trials of the Flesh are designed to prepare the body and mind for the unknowable of the Bogan, that the Padawan may learn to recognize the Ashla.

Man Practice Pole Dance

The Trial of the Spirit

A padawan's test of self-discovery.

The Trial of the Spirit is about knowing yourself fully. This is where one faces their darkness, transcends their past, and come to know everything about who they truly are.

Spiritual Meditation

The Trial of Insight

Determines if you can truly see what is in front of you.

More "Sherlock" and less "Spider-Man;" insight has more to do

with the skill of observation and attunement to one’s self and surroundings than to any paranormal or psychic ability.


NOTE: Members of the Je'Daii Order of Dai Bendu do not necessarily hold degrees or certifications

in any particular art, practice, or field of expertise. 

We take pride in learning from one another as lay-people in the arts we choose to practice.

We do not profess to be anything more than a substitute for professional training / counseling.

Trial of Skill
Trial of Corage
Trial of the Flesh
Trial of the Spirit
Trial of Insight
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