Trials of the Spirit
Trials of the Spirit are about knowing yourself fully. This is where one faces their darkness, transcends their past, and comes to know everything about who they truly are.
“Spirits require healing, too, as much or more than do bodies sometimes.”
– Luminara Unduli
This trial focuses on a Jedi's connection to the Force, understanding its will, and maintaining spiritual balance.
"The Force will be with you always." – Obi-Wan Kenobi
Prostrating yourself and chanting is not necessary to meet the requirements of prayer. A solemn, cleansing breath, and a positive thought is better than nothing, and ought to be practiced daily.
Jediism does not worship a deity and is not in competition with other religions. It is a way of life that meditates on balance. If you have a deity, and/or existing prayer practices, there is no need to alter that practice, if it is already practiced mindfully.
If you have no deity and/or no other religion… if you struggle with belief in the power of prayer... consider, still, that putting forth any amount of positive energy strengthens the light side, and brings balance to the Force.
See also: Prayer
“Consider the lilies of the field.” – Jesus of Nazareth
Not all meditation is about emptying your mind; sometimes it is about “stopping to smell the roses,” and admiring the complexities within the simplistic, or a peace-filled activity that uplifts your spirits.
At its core, meditation is about peace, focus, and mindfulness.
You might successfully meditate by finding a quiet corner, closing your eyes, and emptying your mind. Or you might find meditative success in repetitive tasks such as tai chi or katas, by practicing a skill or talent, or even by performing household chores and yard work.
The key is to be mindful and appreciative of the act, the ability to perform that act, and the satisfaction of fulfilling the act.
Meditation is the best form of selfishness. It is purely for your own benefit. And yet… anything that balances you balances the Force, and is for the betterment of all as it ripples out into the universe.
See also: Mental Expressions
If Meditation is selfishness, Service restores balance to the self.
Do a kind deed for a family (mow their lawn, buy groceries, take them a meal); for an individual (buy a homeless man a bottle of water or a soda, return someone else’s cart in the grocery lot); for a community (pick up litter).
Help someone when asked. Don't wait to be asked. Recognize when to stand aside (when help is not needed or wanted; when someone more suited to the task can take over, such as in emergencies, etc). Do something grand. Do something anonymous. Do something that requires sacrifice of your time, talents, or money (stop to help a car on the side of the road even if you have somewhere to be). Do something that’s no trouble at all (hold a door for a stranger).
"Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us." – Anakin Skywalker
Recognize that every act of good, big or small, strengthens the Light side of the Force.
"To die for one's people is a great sacrifice.
To live for one's people, an even greater sacrifice.
I choose to live for my people." – Riyo Chuchi
Thoughts, feelings, observations. The truth.
Avoid negativity. What you write mustn’t necessarily be flowery and altogether optimistic; life doesn’t always play out that way, and neither must your words.
But if “you’re focusing on the negative… be mindful of your thoughts. They’ll betray you.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi
Understand Yourself
Learn to recognize your strengths that you might utilize them, and your weaknesses that you may find peace with and overcome them.
Seek out a variety of personality trait questionnaires: the Color Code, Enneagram, Love Languages, Myers-Briggs, etc; understand your zodiac (both Eastern and Western); the numerology relative to your name and birth; and learn the psychological effect of your birth order.
While these, individually, might not prove 100% accurate to you as an individual, any combination thereof can present a starting point of identifying what are your strengths and weaknesses. Meditate on each. Be honest with yourself. Be open to new perspectives.
“Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” – Master Yoda
Know Your Value
Value is inherent. ​
“...” – ...
Know Your Values
Values are the set of guiding principles we use to form our perceptions and inform our decisions. They create our gut sense of right/wrong, and give us an innate feeling of how the world should be when all is right. They are imprinted upon us in our formative years, and internalized during interactions and observations throughout our upbringing.
Sources of these psychological imprints include family members, guardians, and role models, the society and culture we live in, and the media we consume.
Much like many of these sources, we do not consciously choose the set of values we initially operate by. As we grow older and mature, we internalize our decision-making processes, values, wants, and needs. As we mature and more consciously select our values, they solidify into core values.
There are a number of online tests that can help you identify your core values. Below are a list of options. This list is not comprehensive, nor do we not endorse any of these options; they are merely here for your consideration. ​
Consider taking two or three different tests to compare and contrast results. The only requirements are patience, honesty, and self-reflection.
As you take any/each test – should you choose to do so – keep in mind the following questions:
1. What do I value for its own sake?
2. What would I continue to value even if it caused nothing else?
3. How much are my choices and actions motivated by this value?
4. Is this a Core Value, or is it a value based on a currently unmet need?
Note that these tests are about discovering your personal Core Values. Other types of Values tests include political or religious values, which you may also benefit from discovering. Knowing who you are and what you believe in, yet being flexible enough to continue to learn and to grow with new information is a significant part of being a Jedi.
“...” – ...
Aspire to Something
"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations." – Darth Vader
Have Faith
"I am one with the Force. The Force is with me." – Chirrut Îmwe
Be Confident
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." – Darth Vader
"This is the way." – Mando
“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you? And well you should not.
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.” – Master Yoda
Be Fierce
"You don't have to look tough to be tough." – Ahsoka Tano
“Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush. I don't give a damn. None shall pass.”
– Gannar Rhysode
“Wars not make one great.” – Master Yoda
“How you deal with the bad part of love determines your character.” – Jolee Bindo
Stand for Right
Lando Calrissian: “You need anything?”
L3: “Equal Rights.”
Answer the Call
“The Force, it's calling to you. Just let it in.” – Maz Kanata