What is a Jedi to me?
Someone who takes responsibility for their emotions, no matter how justified they believe they are in feeling them.
Someone who takes responsibility for thier actions, even when no one is watching.
Someone who will encourage anyone who needs it, even if that person is not well liked.
Someone who will defend weaker persons, even from themselves, with action if necessary.
I've always had trouble with doing "the right thing". Drug dealing and addiction left a behavior pattern in me that was not easy to break, nor is it easy to keep at bay. Struggling every day to keep my own selfishness under control and teach 5 children to do the same, had left me with a feeling that it was impossible without outside intervention.
After studying and discussion, I knew I had to cultivate my own strength, my own discipline, to move forward and break the hold that I had allowed selfishness to take on me. I had to learn that "doing the right thing" is not an action, it is a decision.
A Jedi, to me, is a person who practices selflessness in everything they do.