Journal your Journey
Just musings, lessons, accomplishments and realizations. I've asked myself why do I go back then forth on being here or anywhere in the community. Yet now I think i've learned from the cycles and it's changed lots within me. What i have to offer isn't what others want to learn. Which goes into the whole students aren't ready for the master and I retired my server that was once open to students. I feel free and less hurt by the double standards, politics, etc.
I know the door here is open to me which I appreciate yet some recent lessons that i've been integrating resulted in me growing more silent. I don't even want to be seen and just not important to me. So as I continue to go on my path as a self procalimed knight and just aknowledge myself moving forward. Don't feel like doing any sort of ritual or self made celebration. I don't even really want to say my rank cause it's not important to me yet just this once as I aknowledge myself with a smile. I feel a resonance ripple from me through the force and a thrum of frequency. It goes out and comes back to me like a wind current that ruffles your hair softly. Powerful, full of love, and it's proud of me. Sees me whispers wisdom to me and how my journey makes me strong. That my story is different so I have my own lessons to overcome.
That it doesn't make me any less and it's proud of me for realizing, learning, integrating those lessons. That you have to learn those yourself and aknoweldge what's inside becuase even if people tell me that it'snot like it makes a lasting difference. It's only a temperary difference that is short lived but when your strong in yourself it's better to be so. I am grateful and thank you force for helping me grow into a stronger me. I'm so happy I got to accomplish my dreams and now I get to have more dreams come true.
I continue to hone myself, my goals, and get my stuff done. Idk how much I'll share because practicing speaking up even if others who hate me isn't my goal anymore. Holding space amidst conflict isn't my goal anymore. I've learned and been able to stand amidst diversity. My direction is changing now and I'm taking time to allow the realizations to come through like they did today when I was conflicted with some choices/emotions/thoughts. There is no place to belong, I seek to hold space for myself and my continued growth. Some people can also support you, hold space, and yet what's more important is you just quietly move around doing your thing in the shadows. Just your friendly shadow fulcum adept.
The hurt from Tragemite thinking otherwise of me no longer exists. I have found joy in my path, my lessons I lean into, and have found a sense of ineternaly accomplishment in my studies as a Sith who studied Jedi. I'm grateful to Justin from axioms of ashla and his wisdom on our talk on Wednesday. Stoked to train and read some of his work.