Trials of the Flesh
No single test can challenge every aspect of the Flesh; and no man can undergo every test and come out whole. The Trials of the Flesh are designed to prepare the body and mind for the unknowable of the Bogan, that the Padawan may learn to recognize the Ashla.
Every day. Set goals. A minimum of 30 consecutive minutes at a time to increase your heart rate. Work your arms -- lift weights, do push-ups, dips, pull-ups, etc. Work your legs -- run, jog, walk; squat, lunge, etc. Work your core -- do sit-ups, crunches, core twists, etc. Do parkour! Sweat! Feel the satisfaction of a solid workout.
Do more! More of the same. More of more. Challenge yourself. But be smart. Set incremental challenges. Break down larger physical challenges into smaller, achievable goals. Build muscle. Build confidence.
Intermittent Fasting
Many of the world's great spiritual traditions incorporate periodic fasting as a discipline. The practice of withdrawing from the routines and physical pleasures of the world and connecting with deeper meanings. From this perspective, fasting is not simply about limiting food intake; the key to fasting is exercising mastery over habit and routine. At its core, fasting is an exercise of self-determination and willpower.
-- Brett Steenbarger || The Unexpected Psychological Benefits of Short-Term Fasting || Forbes.com
Allow Yourself to Suffer Pain
"We seem to be made to suffer. It is our lot in life." – C-3PO
Don’t necessarily seek out pain, or intentionally inflict it upon yourself (except through valuable exercises), but recognize that pain is part of healing and growth.
“Life is not without pain, but life concerns itself with how we handle it.” – Elegos A'kla
Develop a strong mind-body connection. Enhance mental focus, concentration
Prioritize adequate rest, recovery, and self-care.
Rise When You Fall
Adapt and adjust. Be resilient. Embrace adversity. Learn from setbacks. Bounce back. Talk nice about yourself even when you do fail. Cultivate a positive mindset using affirmations and self-encouragement. Cultivate a support system. Surround yourself with a wholesome, supportive community of like-minded people such as training partners and mentors who can provide encouragement, guidance, and motivation.
“Get back up. Always get back up.” – Luke Skywalker
Protect and Serve
To protect and care for another, even at the risk if one's self is the ultimate sacrifice.
Like a soldier protecting one's nation; an emergency responder rushing to the aid of a stranger; and a mother bearing new life prior to the beginning of its own journey in the Force. Charitable self-sacrifice is among the highest of callings.
“Yeah, I'm responsible these days. It's the price you pay for being successful.” – Lando Calrissian
Define Yourself
"If you define yourself by your power to take life – a desire to dominate;
to possess – then you have nothing.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi
Don't Fear Death
“There are some things far more frightening than death.” – Grand Inquisitor