Did we miss anything?
What's Missing?
We welcome each of you to notify us of special events that are not yet listed on our calendar. Please help us stay abreast of Jedi- and Force-related social events by providing as much of the following information as you can (the more details you can provide, the better):
Type of event (in-person; online; "Day of Meditation"; etc)
Title of event
Contact info for organizer(s) (if not you) (ie. one or more of: phone, email, website, social media link, etc)
Date of event
Start and End-Times (if applicable)
Location of event (ie. physical address; social media link (like Zoom or Discord); etc)
Cost (if applicable)
Other (estimated attendance; "BYOB"; recommended attire; etc)
Also, let us know if you'd appreciate a response for any reason.