Resources || Training || Expressions || Disclaimer

Force Theory
Coming Soon: An Introduction to the Force
Whether you refer to it as a calling or a Class -- such as warrior, knight, healer, protector, etc -- whatever your own purpose within the Force, it's between you and the Force. We are here only to provide guidance, that you may learn from our experiences, gain confidence in your skills, and find fellowship and community while on your journey.
Force Theory Opportunities
We honor Jedi advancements from external educational and training sources. We also welcome Jedi of all ranks to train with us and our Order of Dai Bendu, to further advance your knowledge, wisdom, and training in each of the trials.
Philosophical Debates
Lesson Plans
12-Step Programs
"I’m not testing you, Obi-Wan. Life tests you! Every day it brings you new chances for triumph or defeat. And if you pass the test, it doesn’t make you a Jedi. It makes you human."
-- Qui-Gon Jinn
The Jedi Trials are a process through which Padawans strive to achieve the rank of Jedi Knight. The Trials undertaken by the Padawan are determined by their Master, and may take the form of a series of tasks, or may simply be a matter of circumstance where the Master believes the Padawan has proven themselves.
The purpose of Training is to provide you with insights and to prepare you for what may come – both in the Jedi Trials and in life.
Skill || Courage || Flesh || Spirit || Insight
You may note that there is significant overlap between each of the categories. Just as the Force flows through us and binds us, each aspect of training centers around balancing the Padawan within the Force. Each lesson builds upon and sustains another.
"Wield the Ashla and the Bogan, the Light and the Dark.
I'm the One in the Middle: The Bendu. The Center."
"Tonbrei enoah fo midaial ru enoah dai mifoh'al."
"The Force is with me, and I am with the Force."
Expression is the process of making known one's thoughts or feelings.
Jediism is distinct from most religions in that there is no being to whom these expressions are aimed. Instead, there is the Force: a mysterious energy field created by all living things, that surrounds us and penetrates us; that binds the galaxy together; that has a will of its own.
Physical || Vocal || Mental || Visual || Vestments
Whether spoken, thought, danced, painted, or addressed in any other fashion, our mindful expressions can attune us to the spiritual energy of the Force.
NOTE: We take pride in learning from one another as lay-people in the arts we choose to practice.
While some of our instructors may be professionals in their field, the Je'Daii Order of Dai Bendu does not require members to hold degrees or certifications in any particular art, practice, or field of expertise in order to assist one another in training.
We do not profess to be anything more than a supplement for professional training / counseling.
We caution our members to use their own discretion and to research best practices.